The purpose of the Posterior Fossa Society is to:
a) Further research into post-operative pediatric CMS and CCAS with the aim of accurately describing anatomical substrate, pathophysiology and imaging findings of these syndromes, and elucidate the role that tumor/lesion/disease characteristics, surgical methods, medication, genetics, speech therapy, physiotherapy, and any other parameter may play for the incidence and clinical course of post-operative pediatric CMS and CCAS in children and adults
b) Improve treatment of post-operative pediatric CMS and CCAS by gathering information on effective treatment-related measures, and creating international guidelines for clinicians involved in the treatment of children and adults affected by post-operative pediatric CMS or CCAS
c) Identify possible preventive measures for post-operative pediatric CMS and CCAS, and creating international preventive guidelines for professionals involved in the care of children and adults who are at risk of developing post-operative pediatric CMS or CCAS
d) Facilitate contact and information exchange between professionals within the field of post-operative pediatric CMS and CCAS research worldwide.
The Posterior Fossa Society reaches its goals by systematically gathering and exchanging information on the post-operative pediatric CMS and CCAS, both online and during international meetings and conferences.